nov '21
A process-presentation by PhD affiliates in works and words
A process-presentation by PhD affiliates in works and words
The research programme of senior researcher dr. Paula Albuquerque contains a selected group of PhD researchers both internal and external to the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut and focuses on methodical discussions about artistic research and learning skills for Third cycle candidates and other advanced researchers who are preparing a PhD, a PD or a CrD. The participating researchers will discuss their process and share materials by way of a public presentation and by exhibiting in the space to exchange knowledge and experiences.
The research programme currently includes:
Barbara Alves, Brian McKenna, Yvonne Dröge Wendel, Elisa Matse, Sharelly Emanuelson, Femke Herregraven, Alice Smits, Isabel Cordeiro, Liesbet Bussche, Miklos Gaál, Baha Görkem Yalim, Jason Hendrik Hangma, Mariana Lanari, Nadja van der Weide, Spela Petric
12:00-13:00 Sharing process and materials
13:00-15:00 Presentations in word
15:00-16:00 Little drink
Barbara Alves, Brian McKenna, Yvonne Dröge Wendel, Elisa Matse, Sharelly Emanuelson, Femke Herregraven, Alice Smits, Isabel Cordeiro, Liesbet Bussche, Miklos Gaál, Baha Görkem Yalim, Jason Hendrik Hangma, Mariana Lanari, Nadja van der Weide, Spela Petric
12:00-13:00 Sharing process and materials
13:00-15:00 Presentations in word
15:00-16:00 Little drink

research group