Rietveld Sandberg Research


The research program Third Cycle in Artistic Research at the Rietveld (TARR), led by senior researcher Paula Albuquerque, focuses on methodical discussions about artistic research and learning skills for third cycle research.

The research program Third Cycle in Artistic Research at the Rietveld (TARR), led by senior researcher Paula Albuquerque, focuses on methodical discussions about artistic research and learning skills for third cycle research.

The program forms the framework for the guidance of a number of Third Cycle researchers and other advanced researchers who are preparing a PhD, a PD or a CrD. More and more artists and designers are opting to follow a PhD track, whether funded or not.

The TARR reseachers are currently: Baha Görkem Yalım, Barbara Alves, Brian McKenna, Elena Khurtova, Sharelly Emanuelson, Isabel Botas Das Neves Cordeiro, Jason Hendrik Hansma, Liesbet Bussche, Mariana Darvas Lanari, Miklos Gaál, Špela Petrič, Victoria Meniakina en Ekhiñe Dominguez.
senior researcher 
mar '24
How to prepare for Third Cycle in Artistic Research

TARR – Research Café What follows a Master of Fine Arts when one desires further development in one’s education as artist? How to become aware of what a potential PhD (or equivalent) in the Arts mail entail, and for whom may this represent a suitable trajectory? The session consists of a short introduction to the different possibilities to choose from when pursuing a Third cycle in education in the Arts in the Netherlands (including insights into prospective collaborations with institutions abroad). This entails highlighting the differences between the formal degrees entitled Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professional Doctorate (PD) and the Rietveld’s own Creator Doctus (CrD).

TARR – On the 13th of October 2023, the participating researchers of the research group Third cycle in Artistic Research at the Rietveld (TARR) hosted a public presentation and an exhibition at the Rietveld Gym. The presentation and exhibition was a communal moment for the group of researchers who worked together in the space for three days and experienced and learned more about each other’s work. The talks with the invited respondents, Alice Twemlow and Astrid Korporaal, were very productive and the contact with the public very stimulating.


TARR – The research group Third cycle in Artistic Research at the Rietveld (TARR) hosts participants both internal and external to the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (GRA) and the Sandberg Instituut (SI), under the coordination of Senior Researcher Paula Albuquerque. It focuses on methodical discussions about artistic research and learning skills for Third cycle candidates and other advanced researchers who are preparing a PhD, a PD or a CrD. The participating researchers will discuss their process and share materials by way of a public presentation and by exhibiting in the space to exchange knowledge and experiences.

nov '21
A process-presentation by PhD affiliates in works and words

TARR – The research programme of senior researcher dr. Paula Albuquerque contains a selected group of PhD researchers both internal and external to the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut and focuses on methodical discussions about artistic research and learning skills for Third cycle candidates and other advanced researchers who are preparing a PhD, a PD or a CrD. The participating researchers will discuss their process and share materials by way of a public presentation and by exhibiting in the space to exchange knowledge and experiences.