Rietveld Sandberg Research

Art & Spatial Praxis

Art & Spatial Praxis is a research group focused on artistic and design imaginaries that reframe and reclaim cityscapes, headed by Dr. Patricia de Vries.

Art & Spatial Praxis is a research group focused on artistic and design imaginaries that reframe and reclaim cityscapes. Building on the work done in feminist geography, Black studies, environmental humanities, philosophy and cultural studies, we aim to craft more equitable, common, queer, and subversive engagements with our (urban) surroundings, and nurture the conditions for making new geographies possible. Our interests range from storytelling, theory as praxis, scenography and spatial design to installations and interventions in (digital) infrastructures, materials, archives, and institutions. Art & Spatial praxis collaborates with researchers, designers, and artists inside and outside the academy, locally and internationally. Art & Spatial Praxis is headed by Dr. Patricia de Vries.
About The Plot
The thematic focus of Art & Spatial Praxis builds on Sylvia Wynter’s rich notion of the plot. With her conception of the plot, Wynter connects the historical enclosures of the plantation to today’s cityscapes. A plantation logic, she argues, can be traced to today’s ordering of cities, public spaces and neighbourhoods.

Plots were provision grounds enslaved Africans could cultivate. On these grounds, often at some distance from the villages of the plantation, the enslaved could grow their own food. Plantation owners made these little plots of land available, often mountainous and of poor quality, to reduce operative costs -- to maximize profit. These plots were places enslaved people collaborated in relation to, but also in relative autonomy from the violence of the plantation. Wynter writes that on these plots, a social order with its own structure of values existed. They stand for alternative logics that existed alongside the extractive and violent logic of the plantation. Wynter does not romanticize the plot and emphasizes that it does not exist outside of the violent ordering of the plantation. It does not represent free zones or safe spaces. Plots were subject to the plantation, a product of a violent colonial and capitalist order and an alternative to it. This is to say, it is not plot versus plantation but rather plot-and-plantation: they implicate each other, and they inhabit the same locus.

If the plantation is an ongoing locus that can be tracked to today’s cityscapes, so too are plots. Thus, where the orderings of today’s cityscapes stand for the ongoing locus of plantation history, the plot stands for other possibilities that are always present. The plot illustrates a social order that develops within the context of systems that are racist, capitalist, sexist, ableist, and so on. It represents possibilities rooted in different values and different social orders. This is to say, cityscapes and public spaces are relational, contingent and always contested. The plot challenges the forces of domination, appropriation, exploitation, commodification, gentrification, segregation, digitization, and quantification. It fosters assemblages between people and things that seek alternative ways of relating – not outside the plantation or off the grid, but in our urban realities.
Plot Work as Artistic Research
Wynter’s understanding of the plot-and-plantation has travelled throughout the humanities, social and environmental studies. What if the plot migrates further and extends to artistic practices, forms of making, crafting, imagining, thinking, and doing urban realities? What if plot work is a praxis that is socially enacted, embodied, narrativised, and materialised in art practices. What could the plot as artistic praxis be(come)? What constitutes it? What conditions and sustains it? What kind of behaviour, ways of seeing, knowing, and relating does it encourage? In short: what does the plot mean as a spatial art praxis in today’s cityscapes?

These are the questions the research group Art & Spatial Praxis engages with. These are also pressing questions in the increasingly regulated, privatized, surveilled, and diminished public spaces in ever-more neoliberal cities.
Plot(ting) research group
The Plot(ting) research group started in May 2023 and is formed by Taylor le Melle, G, Giulia Damiani, LOOM (Radna Rumping, René Boer and Katía Truijen), Flavia Pinheiro, Mariana Martinez Balvanera, Francisca Khamis Giacoman, Lietje Bauwens, María Mazzanti and Chris Julien. They will join Patricia de Vries (lector of the research group Art & Spatial Praxis) and Liza Prins (coordinator of the research group Art & Spatial Praxis) and meet on a monthly basis to discuss theoretical and material manifestations that speak to Sylvia Wynter’s concept of the plot, while focusing on conceptual, artistic and design imaginaries that reframe and reclaim cityscapes.
photo: Simon Pillaud
photo: Simon Pillaud
creative and production coordinator 

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea Today, with a rapidly increasing frequency of devastating floods and extended periods of severe drought caused by the climate crisis, we are forced to fundamentally reposition ourselves vis-a-vis the mental image and lived reality of the Rhine river and its delta. Recent proposals for walls and levees, floodscapes, rain gardens and other water management and retention techniques will likely not prepare us sufficiently for the extreme circumstances we will encounter in the coming years. It is about time to rethink our relationship with (a lack of) water, or wetness, and generate images and ideas beyond the more traditional representations of rivers, such as topographic maps and diagrams.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) The Art & Spatial Praxis research group gather monthly with the Plot(ting) research group to discuss theoretical and material manifestations that align with Sylvia Wynter’s concept of the plot. In January, the reading group examined Demonic Grounds by Katherine McKittrick.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) In 2019, Maia Gattás and Francisca Khamis Giacoman met in the West Bank. Their correspondence, rooted in shared memories and layered histories, continues to explore how water shapes Palestinian landscapes, experiences, and diasporic connections. The first two letters were published last autumn. We now invite you to read letters 3 and 4.

jan '25
Aan de slag met creatieve methoden voor maatschappelijke verandering

Art & Spatial Praxis – We staan voor gigantische uitdagingen: klimaatproblemen, ongelijkheid, eenzaamheid en polarisatie. Als we blijven doen wat we altijd deden, verandert er niets. Het is tijd voor verandering, maar hoe? De Verbeeldingswerkplaats laat zien hoe we met de kracht van verbeelding systemen kunnen doorbreken, vooruit kunnen denken en samen praktische oplossingen kunnen ontwerpen voor de meest urgente vraagstukken van onze stad.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) The Art & Spatial Praxis research group gather monthly with the Plot(ting) research group to discuss theoretical and material manifestations that align with Sylvia Wynter’s concept of the plot. Over the past month, they delved into three powerful texts that engage with the intersections of race, gender, memory, and the politics of silence.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea On November 28, Müge Yılmaz gave her end of residency lecture and launched the first edition of the booklet series "Future Guide for the Salty Forager". Besides, we experienced a performative salt-resistant bite by the Brackish Collective. Katía Truijen and Radna Rumping from Loom, practice for cultural transformation, gave their start of residency lecture and introduced their research project "Rhine River Rehearsal – Reimagining a River." Take a look at the video and photos here.

nov '24
Climate Imaginaries at Sea: artistic research residency project with Müge Yılmaz and LOOM. Tasting with Brackish.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea On November 28, Müge Yılmaz will give her end of residency lecture and launch the first edition of the booklet series "Future Guide for the Salty Forager". Besides, you can experience a performative salt-resistant bite by the Brackish Collective. Katía Truijen and Radna Rumping from LOOM, practice for cultural transformation, will give their start of residency lecture and introduce their research project "Rhine River Rehearsal – Reimagining a River." The event is free but please register here.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) The Art & Spatial Praxis research group continues with the Plot(ting) research group format and is pleased to announce the addition of four new members: Tabea Nixdorff, Philip Coyne, Moosje M Goosen and Harriet Morley. They gather monthly to discuss theoretical and material manifestations that align with Sylvia Wynter’s concept of the plot.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) Maia Gattás and Francisca Khamis Giacoman met in the West Bank in 2019. Francisca was conducting a residency in Birzeit, and Maia was traveling to film scenes for her documentary "Viento del Este" (2023). They have committed to exchanging letters to engage in a dialogue about various memories related to water in the occupied territory of Palestine.


Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea Starting at the Goethe Instituut, Herengracht 470 in Amsterdam. Followed by a conversation and wetness walk to the IJ river bank. RSVP via www.goethe.de

As the climate crisis escalates further, the notion of ‘wetness’ is becoming an increasingly urgent issue around the world. Amsterdam and its surroundings are situated on the muddy lands along the North Sea, which are to a large extent reclaimed from all kinds of bodies of water while also often lying below sea level. At the same time, this part of the world has in recent years been undergoing various periods of extreme drought, posing a wide range of (spatial) challenges across the region. Amsterdam and its almost entirely man-made surroundings not only provide an insightful landscape to discuss wetness, but its past, present and future can also not be fully understood without some basic knowledge around these issues.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea The Climate Imaginaries at Sea festival took place from 19 April to 25 April 2024 in Amsterdam. An event for artistic and participatory research practices that speculate on possible futures in and around water. It was an exciting week with two exhibitions, an open studio day programme, the launch of the second issue of the Making Waves zine, a closing concert and more. In this article we look back on the festival and on the first year of the three artistic research studios of Climate Imaginaries at Sea.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) The research group Art & Spatial Praxis launched the digital artistic research platform Plot(ting) on April 17th 2024. Plot(ting) emerges as a publishing platform showcasing art, research, and spatial practices. Currently it harbors contributions by Flavia Pinheiro, Giulia Damiani, Francisca Khamis & Maia Gattás Vargas, Neeltje ten Westenend & Hanneke Stuit, Mariana Balvanera, Patricia de Vries, Amelia Groom, and Liza Prins. Here you can read in brief about the different contributions. Read more on the plotting website: plotting.rietveldsandberg.nl

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea This is a video recording of the open studio day programme Studio Encounters on Water #2 of the Climate Imaginaries at Sea festival, at Perdu on 23 April 2024. With talks by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Mikki Stedler, Joy Brandsma, Janine Armin, Carlo De Gaetano, Femke Dekker (Loma Doom), Müge Yilmaz, Kim Spierenburg, Claudine Arendt, Katía Truijen & René Boer (Loom Collective) and Marialena Marouda.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) The research group Art & Spatial Praxis launched the digital artistic research platform Plot(ting) on April 17th. Plot(ting) emerges as a publishing platform showcasing art, research, and spatial practices.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) The research group Art & Spatial Praxis launched the digital artistic research platform Plot(ting) on April 17th. Hosted at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie with performances and talks by: meLê yamomo, S*an D. Henry-Smith, Francisca Khamis Giacoman, Derica Shields, Patricia de Vries, Liza Prins and Maisa Imamović and a communal dinner with Lina Bravo Mora and Mayıs Rukel of Radical Roots.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) Video of the launch of the publication of Plot(ting) on April 17th 2024, hosted at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Performances and talks by: meLê yamomo, S*an D. Henry Smith, Francisca Khamis Giacoman, Derica Shields, Patricia de Vries, Liza Prins and Maisa Imamović.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea How can we liberate the imagination from recurring stereotypes that understand climate change as something from the future, far away, affecting others, while so many people around the world already live with its devastating impact? How can material research, interspecies perspectives and indigenous water and climate knowledges help us form new ways of relating to the climate emergency?

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea This short episode sits alongside the conversation between Raoni Muzho and Phoebe Osborne. The audio here contains a sighing practice that is led by Raoni, and which Rajni, Raoni and Phoebe all took part in during their conversation in October 2023. We recommend that if you are able, you do the sighing practice before listening to the full episode. For the full conversation episode, please go here .

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea This second episode of the Climate Imaginaries podcast was recorded over zoom in October 2023. The three artists you hear speaking in the episode, Phoebe Osborne, Raoni Muzho, and Rajni Shah, had a long slow dialogue leading up to this conversation, creating a shared map (linked below) which could be with them as they spoke. Grief and loss were present in different forms throughout the process of meeting, postponing, and then recording this conversation, and there is a strong current of grief in relation to Palestine that flows through the episode.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea This first episode of the Climate Imaginaries podcast was recorded in early 2023. It took place at the invitation of Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca, as she explains in the episode introduction (see transcript below). Laura invited Rajni Shah to host a conversation between Joy Mariama Smith and Michaela Harrison. All three artists had taken part in the launch of the Climate Imaginaries project in September 2022 but since both Joy and Michaela participated remotely, the three artists had not met prior to this conversation. There are some variations in sound qualities since the recording happened over zoom and was held by fluctuating internet connections. Nevertheless, we hope you will enjoy the many stories and wisdoms that come through.


Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea The Climate Imaginaries at Sea coalition is excited to invite you to our upcoming festival in Amsterdam. An event for artistic and participatory research practices that speculate possible futures in and around water. Join us for an exciting week-long exploration with two exhibitions, an open studio day programme, the launch of the second issue of the Making Waves zine, a closing concert and more. Take a look at the programme below and get your free tickets here: eventix.shop/kuaujj4j

apr '24
Join us for an afternoon with talks, performances, bites and drinks

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) We are delighted to invite you to the launch of the publication of Plot(ting) on April 17th from 14:30 to 19:00, hosted at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Fedlev Building, Room FL101.

Art & Spatial Praxis – The Rietveld Sandberg research group Art & Spatial Praxis, SIS (Studio for Immediate Spaces) Master’s programme at the Sandberg Instituut and the Municipality of Amsterdam collaborated in the development of plan area Henrick de Keijserplein in Amsterdam Stadsdeel Zuid.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) Patricia de Vries, lector of the research group Art & Spatial Praxis, gave a Plot(ting) workshop in collaboration with MediaLabMX in Mexico City last year. Take a look at the zine that offers an insight into the collective mind map that materialised during the workshop.

essay – Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea speculates possible futures in and around water through various artistic and participatory research practices.

jan '24
Formulating a Research Question

Art & Spatial Praxis – Research Café How to move from a general topic of interest to a topic of inquiry? And how to narrow your topic of inquiry to a research question? Research questions are the questions you answer in or through your work. These questions give structure to your work. The questions you ask are related to the research you do and the work you want to create. During this seminar, you aim to move from a general topic of interest to a more (or less) specified and framed research question that will help you structure your thinking, doing, making and researching.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea Artists affiliated with Climate Imaginaries at Sea showcased their work as part of the Warming Up Art Route. This event was a segment of the annual "We Are Warming Up" festival, taking place at Tolhuistuin in Amsterdam from October 30th to November 5th.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea On Thursday October 5th The Research Group Art & Spatial Praxis organized a workshop with the Brackish Collective and a lecture with artist Müge Yilmaz on salt and effects of salinization of earth.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) You can now order a free print publication of the inaugural lecture of Research Professor (Lector) Patricia de Vries at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. In this lecture, she elaborated on the research area of her research group Art & Spatial Praxis. The research group Art & Spatial Praxis focuses on artistic practices that broaden our imaginations of alternative social orders and ways of living within capitalist city structures.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea On April 13-14 2023, the Rietveld research group, Art & Spatial Praxis co-hosted 'Studio Encounters on Water', a two-day event in Perdu, Amsterdam where participants could learn more about the research project Climate Imaginaries at Sea. In three artistic research studios, Climate Imaginaries at Sea speculates possible futures in and around water through various artistic and participatory research practices. One of the studio's is The School of Mountains and Waters initiated by Chilean-Mexican artist-researcher Amanda Piña. A school of unlearning the modern/colonial idea of the human as pre-existent and separate from that which sustains its life. You can watch the talk of Amanda Piña and Cecilia Vallejos in this video.

Art & Spatial Praxis – In research publications, more often than not media production—be it audiovisual or any other form of artistic practice that isn’t writing—is still seen as somehow inferior; mere support material. A figure that accompanies the text, the main act, and that would fail to be considered as a form of research itself. Producing, distributing and consuming media is not about illustrating previously existing research or knowledge, but about doing things: working with media is actively doing research. In this sense, we should try and facilitate both tools and means for practitioners of this practice-based research, currently not or at least underrepresented in the publishing industries. To put it concisely: what is the role of publishing within practice-based research?

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea We are happy to announce that LASP has invited artist Müge Yilmaz to partner on the Materiality research studio of the Climate Imaginaries at Sea project. Her research proposal S.A.L.T is intended to look into the effects of salinization on qualities of soil, architecture and ecology.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) The research group Art & Spatial Praxis (LASP) starts a new Plot(ting) research group consisting of 11 new members. They meet on a monthly basis to discuss theoretical and material manifestations that speak to Sylvia Wynter’s concept of the plot. They had their first fruitful session on May 30th 2023.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22 Elia Kalogianni was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22 Jason Hendrik Hansma was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22 Elisabeth Klement en Laura Pappa did a collaborative fellowship project in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22 Taylor Le Melle was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22 María Mazzanti was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.


Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea Artists from each of the Climate Imaginaries at Sea Artistic Research Studios will be presenting work as part of the Warming Up Culture Route during the annual We Are Warming Up Festival at Tolhuistuin in Amsterdam from the 30th of October to the 5th of November.

oct '23
with a performative salt-resistant bite by the Brackish Collective

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea On Thursday October 5, we would like to welcome you to Müge Yilmaz’s lecture on salt and the effects of salinization on Earth. The Research Group Art & Spatial Praxis (LASP) has invited Yilmaz to partner on the Materiality research studio of the Climate Imaginaries at Sea project. During her lecture, Yilmaz will delve into one of the immediate consequences of rising sea levels and ground subsidence: saline water entering flows of sweet water and soil. Before her lecture, you can experience a performative salt-resistant bite by the Brackish Collective. Earlier that day, you also can attend a workshop by the Brackish Collective.

Art & Spatial Praxis – In the International exchange project WASALIWA two groups of artists and writers based in Fiji and Amsterdam came together to look at the ecological history and future of the Pacific Islands through a series of workshops.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea On April 13-14 2023, the Rietveld research group, Art & Spatial Praxis co-hosted 'Studio Encounters on Water', a two-day event in Perdu, Amsterdam where participants could learn more about the research project Climate Imaginaries at Sea. One of the studio's is The School of Mountains and Waters initiated by Chilean-Mexican artist-researcher Amanda Piña.


Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at Sea The coalition Climate Imaginaries at Sea invites you to Studio Encounters on Water, a two­ day event filled with workshops, presentations, talks and pod reading sessions where you can learn more about what we’ve done, where we are going and how you can be part of it.

news 31 mar 23

Art & Spatial Praxis – Apply for the international exchange project, WASALIWA, a collaboration of Framer Framed, the Sandberg Instituut and the Oceania Arts Centre in Fiji. We are looking for Amsterdam based artists to explore the ecological history and future of the Pacific Islands through a series of workshops 5, 6, 7, and 8 June 2023. Send in your motivation statement before 26 May to apply!

mar '23
Publication launch 'Portraits of Mingling: Henrick de Keyserplein'

Art & Spatial Praxis – Henrick de Keyserplein Sandberg students Paulina Martínez Marín, Ilya Lindhout and Mayomi Basnayaka will present their artistic research and publication made by on their project around the Henrick de Keijserplein in Amsterdam. The Rietveld Sandberg research group Art & Spatial Praxis, SIS (Studio for Immediate Spaces) Master’s programme at the Sandberg Instituut and the Municipality of Amsterdam collaborated in the development of this plan area in Amsterdam Stadsdeel Zuid.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Henrick de Keyserplein Portraits of Mingling is the name of the artistic research and publication made by students Paulina Martínez Marín, Ilya Lindhout and Mayomi Basnayaka on their project around the Henrick de Keijserplein in Amsterdam. The Rietveld Sandberg research group Art & Spatial Praxis, SIS (Studio for Immediate Spaces) Master’s programme at the Sandberg Instituut and the Municipality of Amsterdam collaborated in the development of this plan area in Amsterdam Stadsdeel Zuid.

feb '23
Expanded Publishing for Practice-Based Research

Art & Spatial Praxis – In research publications, more often than not media production—be it audiovisual or any other form of artistic practice that isn’t writing—is still seen as somehow inferior; mere support material. A figure that accompanies the text, the main act, and that would fail to be considered as a form of research itself. Producing, distributing and consuming media is not about illustrating previously existing research or knowledge, but about doing things: working with media is actively doing research. In this sense, we should try and facilitate both tools and means for practitioners of this practice-based research, currently not or at least underrepresented in the publishing industries. To put it concisely: what is the role of publishing within practice-based research?

sep '22
Inaugural Lecture Patricia de Vries

Art & Spatial Praxis – Professor Patricia de Vries will present her inaugural lecture at the start of the academic year 2022–2023. In this lecture, she will elaborate on the research area of ​​LAPS, that will be expanded to ‘LAPS/The City’ in the coming years.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting) In her inaugural lecture Patrica de Vries outlined plot work as artistic practices that refuse the hegemonic logic of neoliberal production.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 22/23 During his fellowship, Aaro Murphy will dedicate his research around artificial smell production as a form of virtual space making. With a particular emphasis on the rise of synthetic aromas and digitised scenting in our cities, he aims to explore the social and political effects of olfactory space making.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 22/23 "Caught between a rock and a hard place in development."

aka Artists, Gentrification, The City

Alina Lupu's research fellowship has as a main line of inquiry the way that artists relate to the process of gentrification as actors in it.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 22/23 During the fellowship, Golubjevaite will explore the topic of DIY self-hosting and local digital spaces. Managing even the smallest server comes with many responsibilities, efforts, and nuances, but she believes that a hands-on approach that is not afraid of failing and debugging is the best way to learn and stimulate thinking about our digital tools and networks. She, therefore, wants to set up a localhost server at the academy and make it physically visible. ‘Localhost’ means that the server and its content will only be accessible in the local area of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. She wishes to explore the potential of this server by turning it into a local digital gallery space, similar to how the Glass Pavilion functions. The Glass Pavilion is an excellent example of a collaborative space in the academy that occasionally brings the Rietveld community together.

may '22
On the Aesthetics, Politics and Philosophy of Preparing for Dystopia

Art & Spatial Praxis – Join us on Monday 23 May 2022 from 16.00-18.30 at Rietveld Academie's Theory Stairs for presentations and discussions on the imagination of the end times in art, design, architecture, and philosophy. For students, teachers, alumni and all interested people.