Rietveld Sandberg Research


Research group Art & Spatial Praxis

Luton, The Galaxy, The Mall. Mourning, natural death. Graveyards. Urns. Trinkets. Raves. Dancefloors.The 'Anti Bio’. ‘Non performers’, ‘Non Dancers’ everything that we are told we are not good at or need a qualification for. Humour x 10000000000000000000000000 Power Dynamics. FREE ART SCHOOLS. FUNDING 4 ALL Sculptures made in a day Care as a necessary tool Anthropology. The internet (beware 2nd hand information and the vacuous). Some Comedians. Performance as a survival technique. Embarrassing myself Bass players.Barbados.Semantics. Shouting in the countryside. Dancing instead of talking. My Mother and Father (RIP). Sci Fi as a survival technique. Britishness. Mental Health.Grinding my hips as slow as I can (Sam I love you).Sub woofers. Dressing up as other things.Joy.‘Non-Artists’. Friends above the age of 70yrs old.Exciting poetry. My forever ongoing Death Doulaship training (Be weary of it ever being done) Keeping naval gazing in check.

Art & Spatial Praxis – The research group Art & Spatial Praxis (LASP) starts a new Plot(ting) research group consisting of 11 new members. They meet on a monthly basis to discuss theoretical and material manifestations that speak to Sylvia Wynter’s concept of the plot. They had their first fruitful session on May 30th 2023.