Rietveld Sandberg Research
Taylor le Melle
Taylor le Melle

Taylor le Melle

Research group Art & Spatial Praxis

Taylor Le Melle has grown to find biography less cringe through building a practice of describing their activities with present participle phrases (“Taylor is writing”) and shedding the practice of categorising states of being (“Taylor is a writer”). Taylor has trained in art history, architectural theory and developmental psychology. From 2017 to 2022 they ran a publishing collective, PSS, through which they have edited and produced several collections of science fantasy, theory and one poetry chapbook with contemporary artists. This year, they are working their own book-length project for which they are making a series of 'draft objects' which both facilitate and result from the production of text.

Taylor is drinking oatstraw to save their last good nerve.

Taylor runs short courses ‘writing: sentence structure’ and ‘writing: about me’ for not/nowhere (n/n). Established as a workers’ cooperative in 2018 through an collection gift from the now- defunct no-w-here lab, not/nowhere became a workers cooperative and wants to support the actualisation of creative moving image projects by BIPOC artists who, especially those who wish to incorporate analogue technology into their practices.

Art & Spatial Praxis – The research group Art & Spatial Praxis (LASP) starts a new Plot(ting) research group consisting of 11 new members. They meet on a monthly basis to discuss theoretical and material manifestations that speak to Sylvia Wynter’s concept of the plot. They had their first fruitful session on May 30th 2023.

Fellows Exhibit is a Rietveld Sandberg initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the past academic year.

Fellows Exhibit is a Rietveld Sandberg initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the past academic year. Each of these projects is carried out in close collaboration with a department of the Sandberg Instituut or the Rietveld Academie to foster relationships between educational programs, research activities, and societal issues.