Rietveld Sandberg Research

Chris Julien

Research group Art & Spatial Praxis

Chris Julien mixes research and practice in the fields of public innovation, ecology and culture, with a focus on epistemology and governance. He is currently pursuing a PhD at Utrecht university that combines new materialisms with decolonial and ecological thought to constitute a field of so-called ‘ecological governance’ supervised by Iris van der Tuin. Furthermore, he is active in, and a spokesperson for, Extinction Rebellion and as an independent practitioner focusing on urban ecology and regenerative cultures, besides siting on various boards and committees. He holds cum laude masters degrees in Conflict Studies & Human Rights and in Cultural Analysis.

The Gerrit Rietveld Academie congratulates Femke Herregraven on obtaining the title of Creator Doctus (CrD) on 14 November 2024. CrD is a project developed at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie that seeks to realise a new European third cycle award for higher arts education.

Art & Spatial Praxis – The research group Art & Spatial Praxis (LASP) starts a new Plot(ting) research group consisting of 11 new members. They meet on a monthly basis to discuss theoretical and material manifestations that speak to Sylvia Wynter’s concept of the plot. They had their first fruitful session on May 30th 2023.

mar '22
A public lecture hosted by Femke Herregraven with keynote speaker dr. Rodrigo Ochigame

Deterritorializing Intelligence is a public lecture in the frame of the ongoing Creator Doctus research of Femke Herregraven, which circumnavigates the historical, material and epistemological conditions of artificial intelligence.

Algorithmic Cultures – For this occasion, Femke Herregraven has invited prof. dr. Rodrigo Ochigame who examines unorthodox models of computational rationality, such as nonclassical logics from Brazil, nonbinary Turing machines from India, and frameworks of information science from Cuba. Their research includes digital anthropology, the anthropology of science and technology, and the social dimensions of robotics and artificial intelligence.