nov '24
How Material Comes to Matter
How Material Comes to Matter
A conversation with Julia Ihls (Bio Design Lab), Marjolijn Bol, Clem Edwards (The Material Kinship Reader) moderated by the Material Research Group.
The Materiality Research Group is hosting a presentation followed by a conversation where three guests will offer different perspectives on collective sites of material inquiry such as material archives and libraries, material preservation and conservation practices and possibilities of kinship in the material world.
Participants in the conversation include:
Participants in the conversation include:
Julia Ihls (HfG) – Researcher, designer and managing director of the Bio Design Lab, Karlsruhe.
Marjolijn Bol (KNAW, UU) – Art historian and researcher with a focus on art, materials and making.
Clem Edwards – Artist, researcher, jeweler, and co-editor of The Material Kinship Reader.
Julia Ihls is an interdisciplinary researcher and designer at the intersection of (natural) philosophy, media theory and spatial staging. After studying art and media science (M.A.) in Konstanz and Cork, as well as scenography/media art (Dipl.) in Karlsruhe, she worked as a copywriter for the ZKM Karlsruhe, among others. Since April 2021, she is head of the Bio Design Lab at the HfG Karlsruhe, where – in addition to teaching and curating – she researches new (bio)materials and convivialism.
Marjolijn Bol is Associate Professor in Technical Art History and PI of the ERC Project Dynamics of the Durable. Trained as an art historian, her research intersects with historical studies of craft, heritage, knowledge, and the environment with a special focus on performative methods (reconstruction) and written sources on art technology.
Clem Edwards is a Rotterdam-based artist whose practice moves between language and sculpture. Their work enacts material, experiential and affective residues of daily life. Holding space for enchantment, their work brings into conversation the possibility of the glittering dream castle and the deep knowing that the Disney story cannot exist without the labour, gender and land conditions that produced it. In 2022, miniatures were the focus of their Gerrit Rietveld Academy fellowship and they published The Material Kinship Reader (Onomatopee, 2022, co-edited by Kris Dittel).
Materiality Research Group
This presentation and conversation is part of a series of activities concocted by the Materiality Research Group (Anja Groten and Márk Redele), and kindly funded by CoECI. The Materiality Research Group revisits the role of workshops and their pedagogies, asking how material comes to matter in the face of contemporary social and ecological challenges.

How Material Comes to Matter
How Material Comes to Matter