
Today, with a rapidly increasing frequency of devastating floods and extended periods of severe drought caused by the climate crisis, we are forced to fundamentally reposition ourselves vis-a-vis the mental image and lived reality of the Rhine river and its delta. Recent proposals for walls and levees, floodscapes, rain gardens and other water management and retention techniques will likely not prepare us sufficiently for the extreme circumstances we will encounter in the coming years. It is about time to rethink our relationship with (a lack of) water, or wetness, and generate images and ideas beyond the more traditional representations of rivers, such as topographic maps and diagrams.
During this event at the Goethe-Institut Amsterdam, we invite you to become part of a dress rehearsal (and scenography) that aims to reimagine our position as part of the Rhine river delta, in five different acts. Through sonic, spatial, spoken and visual elements, we will gather and move around a landscape where boundaries become fluid and positions unstable, asking ourselves how to live in a world of - what Dilip da Cunha calls - ubiquitous wetness?
The event is part of the Rhine River Rehearsal, an artistic research project by practice for cultural transformation Loom, engaging with the Rhine river as a complex and ever-changing environment that is both affected by and contributing to a rapidly changing climate. During the fall of 2024, the Loom members followed and deviated from the river, while engaging with the multitude of communities occupying its (past and future) banks, its soil, water and non-human habitats. They challenge the notion of the river as a line, questioning dichotomies between land and water, center and periphery and urban and rural, while absorbing a multiplicity of languages that surround the river, as well as past and future floodings and boundaries of the Rhine that continuously redefine the river.
Following a number of Wetness Walks across a.o. Amsterdam’s canal district and the Tegebau-Hambach open-pit coal mine in Germany, this event - or rehearsal - is the first in a series of Wetness Talks that will be organized by Loom in close collaboration with cultural partners, scholars, artists and others.
Register here: www.goethe.de
The event is part of the Rhine River Rehearsal, an artistic research project by practice for cultural transformation Loom, engaging with the Rhine river as a complex and ever-changing environment that is both affected by and contributing to a rapidly changing climate. During the fall of 2024, the Loom members followed and deviated from the river, while engaging with the multitude of communities occupying its (past and future) banks, its soil, water and non-human habitats. They challenge the notion of the river as a line, questioning dichotomies between land and water, center and periphery and urban and rural, while absorbing a multiplicity of languages that surround the river, as well as past and future floodings and boundaries of the Rhine that continuously redefine the river.
Following a number of Wetness Walks across a.o. Amsterdam’s canal district and the Tegebau-Hambach open-pit coal mine in Germany, this event - or rehearsal - is the first in a series of Wetness Talks that will be organized by Loom in close collaboration with cultural partners, scholars, artists and others.
Register here: www.goethe.de

research group
Art & Spatial Praxis
Art & Spatial Praxis
Climate Imaginaries at Sea
Climate Imaginaries at Sea