apr '22
Please join us on Thursday, April 28, from 17.00-18.30, for brief presentations by the recipients of the "Ecological Imagination” stipends.
Each of the four recipients will share and discuss a sample of their research in progress, prompting a collective discussion on the study of ecological crisis, environmental justice, and planetary futures. With presentations by Ana Maria Gómez López, Angela Jerardi, Callum Copley, and Negiste Yesside Johnson.
Introduction by Tom Vandeputte
Introduction by Tom Vandeputte
Callum Copley is an Amsterdam-based researcher, writer and editor exploring the social and political entanglements of emerging technologies and the cultural narratives constructed around them.
Tom Vandeputte is a newly appointed professor (lector) in philosophy and critical theory at the Sandberg Institute, where he also runs the Critical Studies department.

research group
Critical Inquiry
Critical Inquiry