Rietveld Sandberg Research
Research at the Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut is research that opens the possibilities of imagination. This means that questioning dominant paradigms becomes embedded in the way we approach learning, making and creating. Imagination that is not limited to the way things are but rather to the possibilities of what could be. We conceive of the academy as a place for interdisciplinary research and cross-pollination that exceeds the confines of conventional academic disciplines.
This perspective on research is grounded in a broad and encompassing practice that challenges conventional ways in which knowledges are produced. Drawing on critical pedagogy, critical making and emancipatory research, we give space to an environment that opens itself for different ways of producing and approaching knowledge. We believe in emancipatory research that does not require endorsement from institutions either academic or from civil society but research that operates independently and across disciplines driven by the needs of broad developments. No longer bound by canonical practices that dictate what is proper knowledge, we open ourselves up for the possibilities of the uncharted, those paths that have not yet been forged and do not yet have a space of institutional representation. This intentional subversion of canonical knowledge should not be confused with chaotic or non-rigorous research practices. On the contrary, we purposefully foster rigorous research from an emancipatory perspective based on principles of openness, empowerment, accountability and reciprocity.

In our search for new forms of engagement with research we work through de-centering and dislocating the traditional sources of knowledge to give way to what has always been relegated to the periphery. Knowledge, then, not as a top/down resource that is transmitted through authoritative practices but as part of shared experiences where the emphasis is put in searching together rather than in uncritical dominance.
Academic integrity
In order to be able to guarantee the quality and reliability of research, academic integrity is of essential importance. The guiding principles in this regard are: fairness, meticulousness, transparency, independence and responsibility. The principles of proper and ethical academic practice, and the norms for good research practices ensuing from this, are clearly formulated in the Dutch Code of Conduct for Academic Integrity (Nederlandse Gedragscode Wetenschappelijke Integriteit), in 2018 signed by the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen). This means that all researchers within universities of applied sciences are committed to conducting responsible research.

Nederlandse Gedragscode Wetenschappelijke Integriteit 2018 (pdf)

The establishment of a Academic Integrity Committee and the appointment of Confidential Advisers stem from the Code of Conduct. In collaboration with the other art universities in the Netherlands, the Gerrit Rietveld Academie has drawn up a Complaints Procedure for Academic Integrity. This complaints regulation has been signed by the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the partner art universities.
Academic Integrity Committee
The Executive Boards of the seven monosectoral art universities have decided to establish a joint Academic Integrity Committee for art education: the CWI-KUO (Commissie Wetenschappelijke Integriteit Kunstonderwijs). This commission formally started on 1 January 2023.

The tasks of the CWI-KUO are described in the 'Complaints regulations for Academic integrity of art universities’ (article 3.5).

a. The committee investigates complaints about alleged violations of academic integrity, assesses whether, and if so to what extent, academic integrity has been violated and advises the Executive Board on this.

b. At the request of the Executive Board, the committee may conduct an investigation into a suspected violation of academic integrity and issue an opinion on it without a complaint having been filed.

c. Furthermore, the committee advises the Executive Boards of the participating institutions, solicited and unsolicited, on the policy of the university of applied sciences to prevent violations of academic integrity.

Klachtenregeling Wetenschappelijke Integriteit 2021 (pdf)

Each university of applied sciences provides a representative for the Complaints Committee. For the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, this is Jeroen Boomgaard.

The CWI-KUO has the following composition:

Jeroen Boomgaard, Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Paul Craenen, University of the Arts The Hague

Job ter Haar, Codarts Rotterdam

Marijn de Langen, Amsterdam School of the Arts

Henk Slager, Utrecht School of the Arts

Peter Sonderen (chairman), ArtEZ University of the Arts

Vacancy for member Design Academy Eindhoven

From HKU, Suzan Klaver has been appointed as official secretary. She can be reached via the committee's e-mail address: cwi-kuo@hku.nl
Confidential Advisor
Staff or students of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie who have questions about academic integrity or have doubts about research carried out within the Gerrit Rietveld Academie can contact the confidential advisor. For the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, this is Jaap Vinken. You can reach him at: jaap@sandberg.nl.

The confidential advisor is there to see if there is a suspected violation of academic integrity, together with the complainant. By weighing up the evidence and the situation, it may be decided to solve the problem internally, or through mediation, or to forward the complaint to the joint complaints committee. The confidential advisor can then help the complainant prepare the complaint.
Ruby Hoette is the director of Rietveld Sandberg Research and Sandberg Instituut.
Research Bureau
Research at the academy is organised by the Research Bureau. The main task of the Research Bureau is to further develop the research activities within the Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut making Research a third pillar connected to the bachelor’s and master’s curriculum. Jaap Vinken is supervisor of the Research Bureau, Joyce Drosterij general coordinator and Maja Brouwer communication officer.
Research Groups
Rietveld Sandberg Research enables different research groups to engage with research in their own specific methodology. The research groups are functioning as semi-autonomous research units and each have a specific and current topic. They are run by a lector/professor or senior researcher who formulates their own research goals and programming. Although there is a lot of freedom in the direction of the research, there are typically two types of activities: substantive research by the lector/professor or senior researcher, in which applied and autonomous research has a place and the education-related activities that introduce findings from the research into education.
For more information about our research activities at Rietveld Sandberg Research please contact the Research Bureau: researchsupport[at]rietveldacademie.nl.

Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Frederik Roeskestraat 96
1076 ED Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 (0)20-5711600

Sandberg Instituut
Fedlev building & Benthem Crouwel building
Fred. Roeskestraat 98
1076 ED Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 (0)20-5882400
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