news 26 sep 24

A two-day hackathon on how AI can help us to foster a more sustainable approach to making media, creating and sharing stories, sparking meaningful las;ng conversations. SustAInability by design for public service media.
As in other areas of industry and society public broadcasters are facing the challenge to become more sustainable and reduce their carbon-footprint. What if we meet that challenge head-on and start the transforma:on right at the core of the media ecosystem? What would radically sustainable public media look like? What kind of formats could be made within the constraints of only solar energy? What micro- stories would we tell, and how would we deliver them? What affordances does Ar:ficial Intelligence, Gen- or otherwise, bring to the table? How can the synthe:c alchemy of Media and AI give las:ng or renewable life to our stories?
Feeling challenged? Are you an aspiring cri:cal thinker, hands-on transformer, next- gen marketeer, daring coder-designer or future storyteller? Join us for two intense days of inspira:on, co-crea:on and prototyping with media professionals. Wanna join as a team, no problem, sign up together
Date: 9 & 10 October
Location: Society 5.0 fes;val @ The Social Hub Amsterdam
Publieke Pioniers is organized by VPRO Medialab in collabora:on with NPO Innova;on, CoECI and Digital Society School @ HvA
How we work, what will you do...
During two full days six mul:disciplinary teams (we need all craLs) will work on cases brought by clients (public broadcasters, innova:on labs or public ins:tu:ons) in order to develop solu:ons, concepts and prototypes. We adhere to a :ght format developed over the course of 20 previous hackathon in the VPRO Medialab. The teams will have will be supported by expert coaches, in order to develop their concept into a public pitch before and audience and expert jury.
As the Public Pioniers hackathon is part of this years Society 5.0 fes:val, we will try our very best to create opportunity to step out for relevant keynotes. On the evening of the first hack-day we also organise a full public program of talks and presenta:ons, where teams can connect and share early insights and ideas with the aVending crowd.
More info at:
Feeling challenged? Are you an aspiring cri:cal thinker, hands-on transformer, next- gen marketeer, daring coder-designer or future storyteller? Join us for two intense days of inspira:on, co-crea:on and prototyping with media professionals. Wanna join as a team, no problem, sign up together
Date: 9 & 10 October
Location: Society 5.0 fes;val @ The Social Hub Amsterdam
Publieke Pioniers is organized by VPRO Medialab in collabora:on with NPO Innova;on, CoECI and Digital Society School @ HvA
How we work, what will you do...
During two full days six mul:disciplinary teams (we need all craLs) will work on cases brought by clients (public broadcasters, innova:on labs or public ins:tu:ons) in order to develop solu:ons, concepts and prototypes. We adhere to a :ght format developed over the course of 20 previous hackathon in the VPRO Medialab. The teams will have will be supported by expert coaches, in order to develop their concept into a public pitch before and audience and expert jury.
As the Public Pioniers hackathon is part of this years Society 5.0 fes:val, we will try our very best to create opportunity to step out for relevant keynotes. On the evening of the first hack-day we also organise a full public program of talks and presenta:ons, where teams can connect and share early insights and ideas with the aVending crowd.
More info at: