Art & Spatial PraxisThe latest issue of 'Wijsgerig Perspectief' (Amsterdam University Press) is dedicated to the work of Sara Ahmed. Ahmed is renowned for her groundbreaking contributions to feminist theory, phenomenology, cultural studies, queer theory, and critical race theory. This issue features a contribution from Patricia de Vries (lector Art & Spatial Praxis), who also served as its editor.
Algorithmic CulturesFollowing her successful defense of her Creator Doctus (CrD) research project 'The Evacuated', Femke gave a public presentation on 3 December on her research journey and final work, 'Dialect', exploring the intersections of art, finance, and ecology.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at SeaOn November 28, Müge Yılmaz gave her end of residency lecture and launched the first edition of the booklet series "Future Guide for the Salty Forager". Besides, we experienced a performative salt-resistant bite by the Brackish Collective. Katía Truijen and Radna Rumping from Loom, practice for cultural transformation, gave their start of residency lecture and introduced their research project "Rhine River Rehearsal – Reimagining a River." Take a look at the video and photos here.
Algorithmic CulturesFlavia Dzodan held her inaugural lecture on November 26th on the impossibilities of algorithmic translation. "Amorino Latente/ Latent Cupid” revolves around the translation of art and its emotional impact through algorithmic and computational processes. Take a look at the video & photos of the event.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at SeaThe Climate Imaginaries at Sea festival took place from 19 April to 25 April 2024 in Amsterdam. An event for artistic and participatory research practices that speculate on possible futures in and around water. It was an exciting week with two exhibitions, an open studio day programme, the launch of the second issue of the Making Waves zine, a closing concert and more. In this article we look back on the festival and on the first year of the three artistic research studios of Climate Imaginaries at Sea.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting)The research group Art & Spatial Praxis launched the digital artistic research platform Plot(ting) on April 17th 2024. Plot(ting) emerges as a publishing platform showcasing art, research, and spatial practices. Currently it harbors contributions by Flavia Pinheiro, Giulia Damiani, Francisca Khamis & Maia Gattás Vargas, Neeltje ten Westenend & Hanneke Stuit, Mariana Balvanera, Patricia de Vries, Amelia Groom, and Liza Prins. Here you can read in brief about the different contributions. Read more on the plotting website:
Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at SeaThis is a video recording of the open studio day programme Studio Encounters on Water #2 of the Climate Imaginaries at Sea festival, at Perdu on 23 April 2024. With talks by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Mikki Stedler, Joy Brandsma, Janine Armin, Carlo De Gaetano, Femke Dekker (Loma Doom), Müge Yilmaz, Kim Spierenburg, Claudine Arendt, Katía Truijen & René Boer (Loom Collective) and Marialena Marouda.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting)The research group Art & Spatial Praxis launched the digital artistic research platform Plot(ting) on April 17th. Plot(ting) emerges as a publishing platform showcasing art, research, and spatial practices.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting)Video of the launch of the publication of Plot(ting) on April 17th 2024, hosted at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Performances and talks by: meLê yamomo, S*an D. Henry Smith, Francisca Khamis Giacoman, Derica Shields, Patricia de Vries, Liza Prins and Maisa Imamović.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at SeaHow can we liberate the imagination from recurring stereotypes that understand climate change as something from the future, far away, affecting others, while so many people around the world already live with its devastating impact? How can material research, interspecies perspectives and indigenous water and climate knowledges help us form new ways of relating to the climate emergency?
Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at SeaThis short episode sits alongside the conversation between Raoni Muzho and Phoebe Osborne. The audio here contains a sighing practice that is led by Raoni, and which Rajni, Raoni and Phoebe all took part in during their conversation in October 2023. We recommend that if you are able, you do the sighing practice before listening to the full episode. For the full conversation episode, please go here .
Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at SeaThis second episode of the Climate Imaginaries podcast was recorded over zoom in October 2023. The three artists you hear speaking in the episode, Phoebe Osborne, Raoni Muzho, and Rajni Shah, had a long slow dialogue leading up to this conversation, creating a shared map (linked below) which could be with them as they spoke. Grief and loss were present in different forms throughout the process of meeting, postponing, and then recording this conversation, and there is a strong current of grief in relation to Palestine that flows through the episode.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at SeaThis first episode of the Climate Imaginaries podcast was recorded in early 2023. It took place at the invitation of Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca, as she explains in the episode introduction (see transcript below). Laura invited Rajni Shah to host a conversation between Joy Mariama Smith and Michaela Harrison. All three artists had taken part in the launch of the Climate Imaginaries project in September 2022 but since both Joy and Michaela participated remotely, the three artists had not met prior to this conversation. There are some variations in sound qualities since the recording happened over zoom and was held by fluctuating internet connections. Nevertheless, we hope you will enjoy the many stories and wisdoms that come through.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting)Patricia de Vries, lector of the research group Art & Spatial Praxis, gave a Plot(ting) workshop in collaboration with MediaLabMX in Mexico City last year. Take a look at the zine that offers an insight into the collective mind map that materialised during the workshop.
Art & Public Space (03-22)"The City as Anthology: Movements at the Margins of Public Space" presents the work of Mariken Overdijk, artist and teacher at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, with an introduction in collaboration with Jeroen Boomgaard, former lector of LAPS (Lectorate of Art & Public Space) at Rietveld Sandberg Research. The book was launched on 13th of January 2024 at Zone2Source, Amstelpark and on 27th of January at Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam during the Boekie Woekie & Friends event.
Algorithmic CulturesDuring the symposium and round table discussion on Algorithmic Cultures on the 6th op December 2023, Flavia Dzodan launched her new essay ‘Haptic Mournings; Morning the Never-Made' about our increasing blurring relation to the digital world, the imagined and real.
Fellows 21/22During the event “Curves of Inquiry” the online publication "Fellows Published 2021-2022" was festively launched. The process and findings of the fellows who conducted their research in 2021 and 2022 are made accessible here. Contributors are: Waèl el Allouche, Clementine Edwards, Jason Hendrik Hansma, Elia Kalogianni, Elisabeth Klement and Laura Pappa, Taylor Le Melle, María Mazzanti, Rachel 'O Reilly and Octave Rimbert-Rivière.
Take a look at the online publication here:
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22Taylor Le Melle was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.
Algorithmic Cultures – Fellows 21/22Wael el Allouche was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.
Fellows 21/22Rachel O'Reilly was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.
Fellows 21/22Octave Rimbert Riviere was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22Elisabeth Klement en Laura Pappa did a collaborative fellowship project in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22Elia Kalogianni was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.
Fellows 21/22Clementine Edwards was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22Jason Hendrik Hansma was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 21/22María Mazzanti was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.
Art & Spatial PraxisIn the International exchange project WASALIWA two groups of artists and writers based in Fiji and Amsterdam came together to look at the ecological history and future of the Pacific Islands through a series of workshops.
The Gerrit Rietveld Academie, in collaboration with Roma Publications, the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst and the Van Abbemuseum, published a publication about the work of artist Yael Davids. This publication unfolds as a workbook along two different exhibitions: A Daily Practice at Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (2020) and One Is Always a Plural at Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich (2021). The book launch will take place on June 22 from 8 to 10 pm in San Seriffe, Sint Annenstraat 30 Amsterdam.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Climate Imaginaries at SeaOn April 13-14 2023, the Rietveld research group, Art & Spatial Praxis co-hosted 'Studio Encounters on Water', a two-day event in Perdu, Amsterdam where participants could learn more about the research project Climate Imaginaries at Sea. One of the studio's is The School of Mountains and Waters initiated by Chilean-Mexican artist-researcher Amanda Piña.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Henrick de KeyserpleinPortraits of Mingling is the name of the artistic research and publication made by students Paulina Martínez Marín, Ilya Lindhout and Mayomi Basnayaka on their project around the Henrick de Keijserplein in Amsterdam. The Rietveld Sandberg research group Art & Spatial Praxis, SIS (Studio for Immediate Spaces) Master’s programme at the Sandberg Instituut and the Municipality of Amsterdam collaborated in the development of this plan area in Amsterdam Stadsdeel Zuid.
Fellows 21/22Fellows Exhibit is a Rietveld Sandberg initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the past academic year.
Fellows 20/21
Art & Spatial Praxis – Plot(ting)In her inaugural lecture Patrica de Vries outlined plot work as artistic practices that refuse the hegemonic logic of neoliberal production.
Fellows 22/23The Predicting Backwards Computer (PBC) engages AI (algorithmic instability / ancestral intelligence) to predict backwards in time as thriving to imagine otherwise histories. A speculative art-design research, the PBC breaks with algorithmic habits of aggregating and predicting from today‘s oppressions. Rather the PBC wonders: what would data for trans* and disabled lives be?
Fellows 22/23Drums adorned with the vivid pigments of ancestral dances, chairs bearing engravings steeped in the weight of centuries, and baskets woven with the artistry of calligraphy—all once integral to our homelands, now resting in Western homes.
In this dedicated journey, led by our custodian, Zaïra Florance Pourier, who has meticulously curated these objects from various sources, we unveil the stories etched into each grain of wood and thread of fabric, exploring the soft language of craftsmanship and the resonance of diaspora. This endeavour captures not only objects but the sonorous echoes of history, melodies and conversations traversing continents, weaving a tapestry of memory, and offering a deeper resonance, an intimate connection to our origins.
"Resonance in Displacement" seeks to emphasise the enduring significance of these artefacts, harmonising in the space between displacement and belonging.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 22/23During his fellowship, Aaro Murphy will dedicate his research around artificial smell production as a form of virtual space making. With a particular emphasis on the rise of synthetic aromas and digitised scenting in our cities, he aims to explore the social and political effects of olfactory space making.
Fellows 22/23In his research-based project ‘The dog chased its tail to bite it off’, Alaa Abu Asad has been working with invasive species, focusing on the infamous plant of the Japanese knotweed (fallopia japonica). He delves deeper into the ethnobotany realm of the plant and her sisters, revealing societal, national, economic, and most importantly linguistic implications.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 22/23"Caught between a rock and a hard place in development."
aka Artists, Gentrification, The City
Alina Lupu's research fellowship has as a main line of inquiry the way that artists relate to the process of gentrification as actors in it.
Algorithmic Cultures – Fellows 22/23As part of the fellowship program, Andrea López Bernal proposes for humans, us, to act art’ificially, in order to form new paradigms of inner and collective being. By using the performance as a tool to get closer to the state of the radical moment. Andrea is interested in the inbetween state, where the choreography meets reality and fuses creating constructed situations. Her intention is reflecting on the notions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discussing how performativity can work as an AI apparatus. In her practice, Andrea López Bernal explores the notion of authenticity in the various spheres of human experience, from love and friendship to work and political engagement. She does so by using a broad array of references and materials such as dental interventions, spirit stories, even tho immerges herself into unusual and sometimes challenging situations to investigate phenomena through the body, she combines these components to bitter sweet and surprising effect.
Fellows 22/23Spatial theory should happen in space. This may seem obvious, but much like the wider practice of theory, it tends to occur in an essentially abstract institutional bubble, far from the sites where it matters, usually as a solitary pursuit and too often framed as something that only people with considerable knowledge can do. The fellowship project of Charlie Clemoes intends to explore various ways of making spatial theory a more collective and on-site endeavor.
Fellows 22/23During her fellowship Olya Korsun will attempt to map out and question the contours and structure of Western ecological imaginaries. Through the collective and individual study of eco-critical theory and experimental/queer/world cinema, she hopes to tap into the ways the existing imaginaries can be disrupted and bewildered.
Algorithmic Cultures – Fellows 22/23Technology, algorithms and A.I. are shaping our life’s while they also have major impacts on surrounding landscapes. With my background in the craft of stone cutting, I am interested in understanding how materials and landscapes are cut, fractured and broken up and how the fragmentation and reconstruction of the landscape is intimately connected with human skills, techniques and technologies.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 22/23During the fellowship, Golubjevaite will explore the topic of DIY self-hosting and local digital spaces. Managing even the smallest server comes with many responsibilities, efforts, and nuances, but she believes that a hands-on approach that is not afraid of failing and debugging is the best way to learn and stimulate thinking about our digital tools and networks. She, therefore, wants to set up a localhost server at the academy and make it physically visible. ‘Localhost’ means that the server and its content will only be accessible in the local area of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. She wishes to explore the potential of this server by turning it into a local digital gallery space, similar to how the Glass Pavilion functions. The Glass Pavilion is an excellent example of a collaborative space in the academy that occasionally brings the Rietveld community together.
Creator Doctus (CrD) – Creator Doctus (CrD)The publication Creator Doctus Continues (2022) elaborates further on the pilot Creator Doctus (CrD), a new model for post-graduate trajectories in Dutch art education set up by the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. We share new findings about the CrD trajectory, review the first CrD trajectory (2017-2020) with Yael Davids and introduce the current second CrD trajectory with Femke Herregraven (started in 2019).
Algorithmic Cultures – Creator Doctus (CrD)For this occasion, Femke Herregraven has invited prof. dr. Rodrigo Ochigame who examines unorthodox models of computational rationality, such as nonclassical logics from Brazil, nonbinary Turing machines from India, and frameworks of information science from Cuba. Their research includes digital anthropology, the anthropology of science and technology, and the social dimensions of robotics and artificial intelligence.
Fellows 19/20The Research Fellowship Project is a yearly scheme launched cooperatively by both the Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut with the aim to support individual research projects and make topics more visible. The plan is to better connect students, heads, and tutors to research and to build a solid and specific research culture that can slowly be incorporated into the school curriculum at both a bachelor and a master level.
Journalism HubPublication IN/Search RE/Search, edited by Gabrielle Kennedy, designed by Haller Brunm and published by Valiz with Gerrit Rietveld Academie / Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam, features works by various Sandberg & Rietveld alumni and students. The publication explores how solid research skills are crucial for artists and designers if the cultural sector is to be able to contribute viable alternative ways of thinking to counter the dangerous and pervasive neoliberal forces influencing the globe.
Fellows 19/20The fellowship symposium was an online event on October 9th with presentation by: Hannes Grassegger with Infosphere, Elena Khurtova & Marie Ilse Bourlanges with Pollinating Agents, Habib William Kherbek with Technofeudalism Rising, Tom K Kemp with After the Maestro, Varia (Manetta Berends & Joana Chicau) with Not for any*, Angie Keefer with Version Space and Hans Muller.
Creator Doctus (CrD) – Creator Doctus (CrD)On the 28th of September 2020 Yael Davids has publicly defended her research concluding the first Creator Doctus (CrD) trajectory.
Creator Doctus (CrD) – Creator Doctus (CrD)In this booklet we introduce the Creator Doctus (CrD) as a model for the third cycle/doctoral trajectory in art education in the Netherlands. A few years ago, the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut took the initiative of arriving at a trajectory that focused on the art – the work of the artist or designer. The inspiration for this was the model of the meesterstuk, referring to works of art that have played an important role in art history and which were based on extensive periods of research.