output – publication

Essay by Flavia Dzodan
During the symposium and round table discussion on Algorithmic Cultures on the 6th op December 2023, Flavia Dzodan launched her new essay ‘Haptic Mournings; Morning the Never-Made' about our increasing blurring relation to the digital world, the imagined and real.
The week on Algorithmic Cultures was an introduction to the research group on Algorithmic Cultures. Algorithmic cultures refer to the dynamic and reciprocal relationship between algorithms and both human and non-human societies. We examine not only how algorithms are informed by and embedded within cultural norms, values, institutions, and behaviors but also how they, in turn, actively shape these dimensions. As algorithmic processes increasingly blur the boundaries of everyday life, they significantly influence the ways in which individuals and communities interact, engage with, and transform knowledge and culture. We share an interest in researching how algorithmic mediation can redefine power dynamics, ethical considerations, and the construction of reality itself.

research group
Algorithmic Cultures
Algorithmic Cultures