Research Fellow 2022/2023
As part of the fellowship program, Andrea López Bernal proposes for humans, us, to act art’ificially, in order to form new paradigms of inner and collective being. By using the performance as a tool to get closer to the state of the radical moment. Andrea is interested in the inbetween state, where the choreography meets reality and fuses creating constructed situations. Her intention is reflecting on the notions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discussing how performativity can work as an AI apparatus. In her practice, Andrea López Bernal explores the notion of authenticity in the various spheres of human experience, from love and friendship to work and political engagement. She does so by using a broad array of references and materials such as dental interventions, spirit stories, even tho immerges herself into unusual and sometimes challenging situations to investigate phenomena through the body, she combines these components to bitter sweet and surprising effect.
research group
Algorithmic Cultures
Algorithmic Cultures
Fellows 22/23
Fellows 22/23