Rietveld Sandberg Research

Ali T. As’ad

Ali T. As’ad is a researcher, curator, educator, and architect based in Amsterdam. His design, research, and education practice has included collaborations with design practices as well as academic and cultural institutions across Egypt, India, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey, the U.K., and the U.S., and the Netherlands. Ali is currently focused on his transdisciplinary doctoral research project which examines the praxis of Palestinian exhibition-making and museum practice; a study which is situated within a broader interrogation of the incongruity between the political space of the state and the cultural space of the nation in the 21st century condition. Ali is also editor-in-chief of the MAKAN Journal of Culture & Space, a trilingual journal that critically engages with contemporary architectural and urban conditions. as well as broader scholarship emanating from or focused on, exploring the SWANA region.