Rietveld Sandberg Research

Isabel Awad

Isabel Awad is Associate Professor at the Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication. The underlying concern of her teaching and research is an understanding of the conditions for democratic communication and social justice against a backdrop of social inequality. Much of her work focuses on how the (news) media contribute to the inclusion/exclusion of marginalized social groups and on the efforts of specific actors (journalists, activists, ordinary citizens) to navigate creatively within hegemonic media environments.

Isabel is theme lead on Diversity and Inclusion within the Vital Cities and Citizens Erasmus Initiative. She obtained her PhD in Communication from Stanford University (USA) in 2007. A native from Chile, Isabel studied journalism and aesthetics in Universidad Católica de Chile. Before moving to the U.S. and to Europe, she worked as a journalism lecturer in Universidad Católica and as a political reporter in a national Chilean newspaper.