Rietveld Sandberg Research

Jason Hendrik Hansma

Research group TARR

Jason Hendrik Hansma’s (b.1988) work explores the in-between, the liminal, and the nearly articulate. Drawing from a wide range of references and materials, Hansma’s work deals with standards, architectural, cultural, and physical, along with how works are made outside of standardized norms. For Hansma, a photograph might be created over months, an entire exhibition might happen in ‘transitional spaces’ such as hallways, doorways, or window sills. A hand-stitched curtain slows down an exhibition’s motion, providing a soft cut moved by a slight breeze from outside air or a film focuses on the moment a wave crashes into architecture. Amateur videos of embers recorded from bushfires are cut to chopped and screwed, and textiles from the artist’s ancestors are refolded and formed into new painterly landscapes. In the work, language (and the loss of language) plays a key role in moving through the politics of aesthetics to reconsider the means we use to locate ourselves through and with each other.

Jason was born in Lahore Pakistan, in 1988, completed a Master of Fine Art at the Piet Zwart Institute, and was a participant at the Jan van Eyck.

Jason Hendrik Hansma has been a tutor at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, the Masters Program at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK), Masters of Artistic Research at the University of Amsterdam, and was a Rietveld/Sandberg research fellow.

Jason is co-director of Shimmer (along with curator Eloise Sweetman), an exhibition space in the shipping port of Rotterdam. Shimmer has collaborated with and shown over 120 practices such as stanley brouwn, Raqs Media Collective, Ellen Gallagher, Charlotte Posenenske, Theo van Doesburg, Marcel Duchamp, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, PUBLICS, Sarah Rifky, Lawrence Weiner and Louwrien Wijers, amongst others.

Jason has lived and worked in Paris, Berlin, Bangkok, Tokyo, and Amsterdam and currently lives and works in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

During the event “Curves of Inquiry” the online publication "Fellows Published 2021-2022" was festively launched. The process and findings of the fellows who conducted their research in 2021 and 2022 are made accessible here. Contributors are: Waèl el Allouche, Clementine Edwards, Jason Hendrik Hansma, Elia Kalogianni, Elisabeth Klement and Laura Pappa, Taylor Le Melle, María Mazzanti, Rachel 'O Reilly and Octave Rimbert-Rivière.

Take a look at the online publication here: fellowspublished.rietveldacademie.nl

Art & Spatial Praxis – Jason Hendrik Hansma was one of the nine fellows in the academic year 2021-2022. The interview below is published in the online publication “Fellows Published” that was launched in November 2023.

nov '23
Exhibited works, workshops and performances by the research fellows of 2022/2023

Curves of Inquiry is a Gerrit Rietveld Academie initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the previous academic year. Each of these projects is carried out in close collaboration with a department of the Rietveld Academie or Sandberg Instituut to foster relationships between educational programs, research activities, and societal issues.

Fellows Exhibit is a Rietveld Sandberg initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the past academic year.

Fellows Exhibit is a Rietveld Sandberg initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the past academic year. Each of these projects is carried out in close collaboration with a department of the Sandberg Instituut or the Rietveld Academie to foster relationships between educational programs, research activities, and societal issues.

Fellows Exhibit is a Rietveld Sandberg initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the past academic year. Each of these projects is carried out in close collaboration with a department of the Sandberg Instituut or the Rietveld Academie to foster relationships between educational programs, research activities, and societal issues. The exhibition shows work of Clementine Edwards, Laura Pappa & Elisabeth Klement, Jason Hendrik Hansma, María Mazzanti, Martino Morandi & Anita Burato, Octave Rimbert-Rivière, Rachel O'Reilly, Taylor le Melle, Wael el Allouche and Elia Kalogianni.

mar '22
Lecture & workshop series by the 2021/2022 Research Fellows

The research fellowship project is an initiative for artists, designers, theorists and other makers. It aims to facilitate and support short term artistic research projects, in collaboration with one of the departments of the schools. During the fellowship, the invited researchers share their process and findings with students and the Gerrit Rietveld community at large. The Fellows in Process series in particular aims to aid this interaction, while engendering meaningful conversations between the fellows, students and teachers of both institutes.

nov '21
A process-presentation by PhD affiliates in works and words

TARR – The research programme of senior researcher dr. Paula Albuquerque contains a selected group of PhD researchers both internal and external to the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut and focuses on methodical discussions about artistic research and learning skills for Third cycle candidates and other advanced researchers who are preparing a PhD, a PD or a CrD. The participating researchers will discuss their process and share materials by way of a public presentation and by exhibiting in the space to exchange knowledge and experiences.