Julia Ihls
Julia Ihls is an interdisciplinary researcher and designer at the intersection of (natural) philosophy, media theory and spatial staging. After studying art and media science (M.A.) in Konstanz and Cork, as well as scenography/media art (Dipl.) in Karlsruhe, she worked as a copywriter for the ZKM Karlsruhe, among others. Since April 2021, she is head of the Bio Design Lab at the HfG Karlsruhe, where – in addition to teaching and curating – she researches new (bio)materials and convivialism.
In her media-based dissertation project ‘Labmospheres’ at the Chair of Architecture and Design at the Technical University of Munich, she is investigating transdisciplinary laboratory structures based on international case studies. Building on this, she conceived and realized the TUM Bioregional Design Lab, which functions as an evolutionary platform for networking and collaboration with local partners using local resources.