Rietveld Sandberg Research

Maisa Imamović

Maisa Imamović is a web designer/developer and a researcher interested in building hybrid publishing formats and collectively built interfaces. In her research, she critically studies the role of a single user and user behaviors generated by code.

Imamović has written code in collaboration with artists and collectives including Hackers&Designers, Ali Eslami, Marlies van Hak, VEIN Agency, and has been published in Kajet, Simulacrum, Forum, TAAK, Real Review, NXS World, Metropolis M, and Other Worlds. She is a part of two self-organized collectives: timeis.capital in Amsterdam and RIP SPACE in Los Angeles. Her first book The Psychology of the Web Developer, Reality of a Female Freelancer was published by the Institute of Network Cultures in 2022. Since 2019, Maisa has worked as a self-employed web designer/developer, and senior researcher at the Institute of Network Cultures at Amsterdam University of Applied Arts, Amsterdam. She is currently graduating from the Aesthetics & Politics Program at California Institute of the Arts, Santa Clarita.

Art & Spatial Praxis – The research group Art & Spatial Praxis launched the digital artistic research platform Plot(ting) on April 17th. Plot(ting) emerges as a publishing platform showcasing art, research, and spatial practices.

Art & Spatial Praxis – Video of the launch of the publication of Plot(ting) on April 17th 2024, hosted at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Performances and talks by: meLê yamomo, S*an D. Henry Smith, Francisca Khamis Giacoman, Derica Shields, Patricia de Vries, Liza Prins and Maisa Imamović.

Art & Spatial Praxis – The research group Art & Spatial Praxis launched the digital artistic research platform Plot(ting) on April 17th. Hosted at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie with performances and talks by: meLê yamomo, S*an D. Henry-Smith, Francisca Khamis Giacoman, Derica Shields, Patricia de Vries, Liza Prins and Maisa Imamović and a communal dinner with Lina Bravo Mora and Mayıs Rukel of Radical Roots.

apr '24
Join us for an afternoon with talks, performances, bites and drinks

Art & Spatial Praxis – We are delighted to invite you to the launch of the publication of Plot(ting) on April 17th from 14:30 to 19:00, hosted at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Fedlev Building, Room FL101.