Manetta Berends
Manetta Berends (1989, NL) is a designer working with/on/through publications, collective infrastructures and reading/writing systems.
The Research Fellowship Project is a yearly scheme launched cooperatively by both the Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut with the aim to support individual research projects and make topics more visible. The plan is to better connect students, heads, and tutors to research and to build a solid and specific research culture that can slowly be incorporated into the school curriculum at both a bachelor and a master level.
The research fellowships are a Sandberg/Rietveld initiative to pursue different knowledge practices involving topics such as Artificial Intelligence, The City and New Materials. From both Rietveld and Sandberg a few candidates are selected to research one of the topics and share their project with the students and the community. This fellowship symposium is an ONLINE EVENT open to all Rietveld and Sandberg students: live.sandberg.nl.