Rietveld Sandberg Research
Philip Coyne, Sandberg Instituut Graduation 2018 FineArts (Photo by Sander van Wettum)
Philip Coyne, Sandberg Instituut Graduation 2018 FineArts (Photo by Sander van Wettum)
Philip Coyne

Philip Coyne is an artist, writer and educator, originally from the UK and now based in the Netherlands. Using sculpture, text, drawing and painting, his work looks to study and instantiate a poetics of social life; this is to say that he thinks about, writes about and attempts to produce work through the speculative forms of production that are endemic to both our social lives and social, or relational, life in general. Conversely, he focuses on the historic and fraught relationship between individuation and modern art, tracing the contours of this relationship in an attempt to envisage what a more genuinely collective form of art might look like.

Coyne’s background in independent art spaces, alternative education schools and critical pedagogy has crystallised into an interest in the collective or social aspects of education, shaping his various roles within arts education over previous years. Recently research has focused on outlining a non-liberal time/space, the different socialities of burial mounds and land art, Black Metal and UK Garage, cryptid gifting practices and an erotics of friendship.

The Art & Spatial Praxis research group is pleased to announce the addition of four new members as it continues with the Plot(ting) research group format. They gather monthly to discuss theoretical and material manifestations that align with Sylvia Wynter’s concept of the plot.