Rietveld Sandberg Research

Tom Vandeputte

Research group Critical Inquiry

Tom Vandeputte is a newly appointed professor (lector) in philosophy and critical theory at the Sandberg Institute, where he also runs the Critical Studies department.

After completing his PhD at the Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought at Goldsmiths, University of London, he was a fellow at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICI) Berlin, the Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover and the University of Cambridge. Tom is currently working on book projects on Günther Anders’ apocalyptics, Walter Benjamin’s political thought and Simone Weil’s early philosophical writings. Recent publications include the articles "Continuity as Catastrophe: Origins of a Thesis in Walter Benjamin” (New German Critique, 2023) and “Politicization of Nature: Luxemburg, Kraus, Benjamin” (MLN, 2024).

Critical Inquiry – The philosophy seminars of the spring-summer semester will examine the concept of utopia with a focus on the work of Ernst Bloch.

The Gerrit Rietveld Academie congratulates Femke Herregraven on obtaining the title of Creator Doctus (CrD) on 14 November 2024. CrD is a project developed at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie that seeks to realise a new European third cycle award for higher arts education.


Critical Inquiry – Tom Vandeputte will reflect on the concept of critique and its relation to the idea of an exit from an untenable situation, followed by a discussion with Marija Cetinić.


Critical Inquiry – This year's research seminar with Tom Vandeputte returns to the question how critique may be understood today. We consider the history of the concept, tracing its key transformations and reinterpretations over the course of the twentieth century, and discuss what it might mean to think of critique as a ‘theoretical practice’. Special attention will be paid to the negativity at stake in critical inquiry, as well as the question how we might understand its inventive and imaginative elements.

feb '24
A series of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema

Critical Inquiry – This three-part program aims to explore anxieties surrounding human-animal relations, as depicted in 20th-century genre-fiction movies. We will watch and discuss three films together, each selected to represent specific anxieties expressed through cinema, either directly or metaphorically. Each session is open to all students, staff, graduates and friends of Sandberg and Rietveld.

Critical Inquiry – Rietveld Sandberg Research is offering a small stipend to support alumni as well as tutors and researchers affiliated with the Sandberg Instituut and Rietveld Academie in the preparation of a research proposal for a practice-oriented PhD or other type of doctoral degree at another university or academy. As in previous years, the stipends is meant to facilitate the preparation of research proposals concerned with ecological crisis, environmental justice and planetary futures.

oct '23
A lecture series on algorithmic hauntologies

Algorithmic Cultures – The series attempts to theorize an algorithmic hauntology, drawing on Jacques Derrida's notions around the spectral remnants of persistent and recurrent cultural artefacts that are encoded into technologies. If Carl Linnaeus defined the way we have codified nature through the publication of his foundational "Systema Naturae", what would a "Systema Algoritmus" entail?


Critical Inquiry – The research group Critical Inquiry hosts 'Green Screens: Xenoecologies', a series of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema, taking a closer look at imaginaries of ecologies from beyond Earth’s ecosystems.

feb '23

We continue scouting the peripheries of Ecological Imaginaries with a series of seminars conducted by the filmmaker and Critical Studies research fellow Olya Korsun. This time we will attempt to defy ‘the regimes of emptiness’ imposed on deserts and their inhabitants by 'industrialized subjectivities and exploitative authorities searching for and in need of so-called "empty" places to be "filled" through occupation, extraction, mining, production, and accumulation.’ (Samia Henni)

Critical Inquiry – We continue scouting the peripheries of ecological imaginaries with a series of seminars conducted by the filmmaker and Critical Studies research fellow Olya Korsun. This time we delineate the field where crises of ecology, human imagination and mental health meet.

Critical Inquiry – This year, Critical Studies research fellow Olya Korsun organises a series of seminars to collectively map out and question the contours and layers of ecological imaginaries through the study of eco-critical theory and experimental/queer/world cinema.

nov '22
Time observing, hopping and freezing

Critical Inquiry – This year, Critical Studies research fellow Olya Korsun organises a series of seminars to collectively map out and question the contours and layers of ecological imaginaries through the study of eco-critical theory and experimental/queer/world cinema.


Research Café is an informal seminar series where you can learn more about various research methodologies from different senior researchers from Rietveld Sandberg Research. These seminars are open to all students, staff, tutors, and alumni of the Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut.

may '22
On the Aesthetics, Politics and Philosophy of Preparing for Dystopia

Art & Spatial Praxis – Join us on Monday 23 May 2022 from 16.00-18.30 at Rietveld Academie's Theory Stairs for presentations and discussions on the imagination of the end times in art, design, architecture, and philosophy. For students, teachers, alumni and all interested people.


Critical Inquiry – Please join us on Thursday, April 28, from 17.00-18.30, for brief presentations by the recipients of the "Ecological Imagination” stipends.


Critical Inquiry – Join us for an evening of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema. Open to students, staff, graduates and friends.


Critical Inquiry – Join us for the first in a series of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema. Open to students, staff and graduates.