Rietveld Sandberg Research

Research Café

Research Café is an informal seminar series where you can learn more about various research methodologies from different senior researchers at Rietveld Sandberg Research. These seminars are open to all students, staff, tutors, and alumni of Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut. Preparation is not necessary.

Critical Inquiry – Research Café This year's research seminar with Tom Vandeputte returns to the question how critique may be understood today. We consider the history of the concept, tracing its key transformations and reinterpretations over the course of the twentieth century, and discuss what it might mean to think of critique as a ‘theoretical practice’. Special attention will be paid to the negativity at stake in critical inquiry, as well as the question how we might understand its inventive and imaginative elements.

mar '24
How to prepare for Third Cycle in Artistic Research

TARR – Research Café What follows a Master of Fine Arts when one desires further development in one’s education as artist? How to become aware of what a potential PhD (or equivalent) in the Arts mail entail, and for whom may this represent a suitable trajectory? The session consists of a short introduction to the different possibilities to choose from when pursuing a Third cycle in education in the Arts in the Netherlands (including insights into prospective collaborations with institutions abroad). This entails highlighting the differences between the formal degrees entitled Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professional Doctorate (PD) and the Rietveld’s own Creator Doctus (CrD).


Research Café In this seminar we will discuss the question of how collective an artistic practice is, and how much of the artistic process is a shared conversation with other makers both human and beyond-human. We will discuss a number of collaborative artistic practices which challenge the notion of authorship while simultaneously producing distinct artistic voices. We will also engage in a collective experiment together.

jan '24
Formulating a Research Question

Art & Spatial Praxis – Research Café How to move from a general topic of interest to a topic of inquiry? And how to narrow your topic of inquiry to a research question? Research questions are the questions you answer in or through your work. These questions give structure to your work. The questions you ask are related to the research you do and the work you want to create. During this seminar, you aim to move from a general topic of interest to a more (or less) specified and framed research question that will help you structure your thinking, doing, making and researching.

dec '23

Algorithmic Cultures – Research Café We will explore the theoretical foundations of AI, delving into the intricate process of training AI models and understanding their underlying mechanisms. Through a hands-on approach, attendees will learn to craft prompts that resonate with AI applications, both text and image based, fostering a dialogue that can yield insightful text and evocative imagery as well as aid research practices. The session will have a generative approach, focusing on free to use applications. The goal is to use these tools as starting points for art making, design and research. Please bring your laptop as well as a notebook and pen.

nov '23
Interviewing for facts - Journalism as a research tool and language

Research Café Journalism HubResearch Café is an informal seminar series where you can learn more about various research methodologies from different senior researchers at Rietveld and Sandberg. We start the series on November 16th with Gabrielle Kennedy. She will talk about 'Interviewing for facts - Journalism as a research tool and language'. The essential skill of journalism is knowing how to conduct compelling interviews, and how to engage with subjects. Every strong journalist brings a unique sensitivity to an interview which is ultimately what will create an original tone of voice and lend work a unique atmosphere.